Wallethub has a new poll
9/17/2018 10:57:34 PM
If I were to list the following states: Connecticut, New Jersey Pennsylvania, Hawaii, would you say they lie ahead or behind Alabama in the July Best Start-up business friendly states Wallethub poll? Ans: Behind, imagine that, all Blue States and proud of it.
Although they get points for having the highest educated population, they pay for it with the highest labor cost. Alabama has the 4th lowest labor cost and is the 9th best state for state and local income taxes. Although I too reside in Georgia, have done so for the past 32 years, I do not share your criticism of Alabama. I believe Alabama is a gold mine waiting to be tapped. Birmingham needs to follow the lead of Austin, Texas in order to take advantage of the fact that it is a hub to a major medical institution, expand more into the suburbs in order to offer the one time urban clubbers an affordable lifestyle option when their clubbing days are over, and utilize to a greater extent its airport. Montgomery needs to take better advantage of its luck of the draw in being a state capital. Tuscaloosa, as a major college town, needs to keep an eye on Athens, GA, Durham-Chapel Hill NC and College Station TX to see how these towns have rendered themselves recession proof. Huntsville must try to gain a foothold somewhere in the new Space Force discussion.
So, as I am sure the poll generated many "clicks", I have problems with the methodology utilized in reaching their conclusions.