Interesting paper on anthropogenic climate change
7/13/2019 9:13:43 AM
The main problem with my golf swing is the preponderance of variables during the kinetic phase. I usually focus… during the potential phase… on controlling the variables. Sometimes I get it right. But, my handicap leads me to believe… not often enough.
Messrs Jyrki Kauppinen and Pekka Malmi have hit upon the crux of the AGW issue. The AGW crowd focuses on controlling and/or manipulating myriads of variables… on computers… while discounting the obvious. That is to say, they substitute clever computer modeling for true science... to achieve their required results.
In the late 90s, I conducted the control studies for a fellow geophysics grad student at Virginia Tech. During her thesis defense, she was asked if she could mathematically prove that earthquakes cause sunspots. She proceeded to do so! We… professors and students… laughed through the whole exercise.
I tell you… I can mathematically prove that flooding of the Mississippi River causes sunspots. All I need for you to do is suspend disbelief and allow yourself to be entertained.
…and that is what AGW… climate alarmism… is all about. They depend on you suspending disbelief.
And... over 31K REAL scientists have certified that there is NO consensus… despite how many times the AGW folks will tell you that.
The truth of the matter is that it is not about science at all. It’s about money and power…’magine that!
LMF Curmudgeon