White House response
2/6/2020 3:25:25 PM
Hey, Hound. I agree with what you usually say, however, being a Rush fan, you've stepped on some toes. I would venture to say that you developed your dislike for Rush during your more liberal days. If you had listened to him for a couple of weeks with an open mind, I believe you would have come to appreciate his humor and his point of view politically. You might also have gotten a glimpse into his generosity and his patriotic core; his extreme love for this country.
You are correct in that he was at one time addicted to pain medication during a period when he was experiencing severe back and neck pain after an unsuccessful spinal surgery. Calling him a drug addict is a bit harsh, however. Also true, his cigar smoking has likely been the cause of his present health crisis. Some decisions come back to bite us as this one has him. Unfortunately, he also smoked cigarettes in his earlier years as he often refers to his "formerly nicotine stained hands." Not that it matters, but this may actually have been the root cause for the cancer. Regardless of the cause, I am deeply saddened by his diagnosis.
You argue that he is not on the same humanitarian level as Mother Teresa and that's probably a fair statement. However, he has unselfishly given away millions to humanitarian and veteran causes. Mother Teresa set a pretty high bar. Does every recepiant have to be on her level? Since you brought him up, did Harvey Milk meet that standard in your opinion?
Certainly not trying to pick a fight because I highly regard and appreciate you, your service and almost all of your opinions in the last several years. Just wish you would have given Rush a fair listen to rather than, as I suspect, formed your opinion on what your past liberal friends have said about him.
An unashamedly proud Rush fan, or if you prefer, Ditto head.