Trump/Tini vis a vis Masks
7/21/2020 10:01:09 PM
Our President finally got around to stating that masks help decrease the spread of coronavirus.
He is shameless enough to claim he has never been against masks which we all clearly know is an untrue statement. He has a severe personality disorder which allows him to do this.
He has, however, left Martini and his sycophants out on a limb having defended this position with worthless factoids for the past 4-5 mos. MM has called world experts "stupid". Heck, he may have even implied that I might also fit that description. Martini will not be able to shamelessly do a 180 degree turn like Trump has done, however. He will try to hold on and say Trump just finally gave into political correctness.
Why do I care? Because Martinis' voluminous postings are dangerous to the well being of others who might be influenced by his uninformed review of issues he only thinks he understands.