The crickets are chirping......
8/19/2020 8:14:17 AM
He really is a leftist despite his protests to the contrary. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like one...... Here's the thing with the left. They see everything from the perspective of politics and ideology. It is all that matters to them. So if I oppose masks it is because I am a conservative, not because I understand the science. And they think this despite the fact that I embrace and religiously practice all the other measures they recommend, again because I understand the science. When you look at every aspect of a person from the perspective of political ideology then you become anti-science, fascist, totalitarian, etc. That is the left today.
The sad part is that I am completely open to actual evidence that masks work and I have looked. Every single study I've reviewed that looked at masks and their effectiveness in reducing the spread of influenza could not come up with any statistically significant proof that they work. And the ones that recommended masks all did so because of their ability to reduce droplets. I can accomplish that by covering my mouth as can others and staying away from people coughing and sneezing. But I simply could not find a peer reviewed study that demonstrated that masks are effective in reducing aerosols and the transmission of the virus. Maybe that's because they don't work.
Meanwhile people wearing them believe they are immune and do not practice the other measures that work. I see it all the time. One of the reasons I don't wear one unless I am required to do so is because I have found that the mask wearers give me a wide berth, much wider than they do with others wearing masks. That is fine with me and my goal anyway. So wear your mask but please stay the heck away from me. This seems like a very logical, reasonable and scientifically sound strategy. But for some reason the left wing nuts foam at the mouth about this, I think mostly because of what I described above.