Get your money for nothing.....
1/4/2021 11:28:00 PM (updated 1/4/2021 11:38:17 PM)
I love how you equate possible unemploment fraud with voting fraud.
I am convinced Trump lost the election because he is an idiot. If he had encouraged his supporters to get a mail in ballot he would have picked up 12,000 votes in Georgia and won some of the other close states. All he did was set up an excuse if he lost...that I told you there was fraud with the mail in. If there was going to be fraud...there would be fraud if Trump's supporters voted by mail or not. He blew it and now you and MM want to steal it.
You and MM do alot of complaining without any voter fraud evidence. It may well exist...but no proof so far. Where are all those who witnessed it? There have been so many postings and articles but nothing has been proven. It has been 60 days Doc and nothing.
Being a sore loser does not mean there was fraud. The Right wants one party and no elections. Sound familiar?????
Wed will just be another defeat for Trump. Pence will say the vote is 306 for Biden and 232 for Trump and Moscow Mitch will be the one to say...The vote is 55 nays and 45 yays. The motion is defeated.
And, I hope a commission is formed to investigate and recommends changes.
As 4D Chess and your support for Trump's call, I wonder what your response would have been been if Obama had done something like that?