No CRD “That I can’t answer”
1/13/2021 1:15:18 PM (updated 1/13/2021 1:40:38 PM)
The simple reason is that the vast majority of us on the right have a functional cognitive skillset. We think for ourselves, realizing that going off the track every once in a while for various reasons is, unlike you on the left, both acceptable and reasonable. Your masters, OTOH, tell you what to think, what to believe, when to suck from their teet, who to support, who to criticize, what news to believe, and above all, who to vote for. Boy, that sounds alot like totalitarianism, does it not? You would be lieing if you said no. How boring your life must be without this Forum's mental stimulation. You must feel refreshed at the end of each and every day because your neurons hardly ever get utilized for independent, unbiased thought. Novel concept, right?
And BTW, elimination of the Electoral College is a great idea, is it not. Good luck with convincing middle America that it is a good thing to allow 5 major urban populations the ability to select Executive Branch public servants. Again, if Nanzi and Schumer tell you it is a good thing, then you must agree, shut down the neurons, or you are off the proverbial reservation.