1.35 nanoseconds
1/30/2021 8:51:51 AM
Never said that they were, did I Archie? Being silenced by AWS is more of an anti-trust lockdown of speech than a First Amendment issue. Parler was unable to operate because AWS controllled the infrastructure. That is a debate for another day. You are legally accurate in that private organizations can limit what speech they allow on their platforms. However, I feel there should be a vocal distinction between First Amendment protections of free speech and general limitations on free speech. In the old days, you libs would agree, now you have been taken over by leftists who stop free speech discussion at the First Amendment.
This from Cortez, however, is absolutely a First Amendment issue which you cannot defend. Yet your party remained silent when she spew these words this month:
"we're going to have to figure out how we reign in our media environment so that you can't just spew disinformation and misinformation."
Disinformation and misinformation is protected speech. The "we're" she was referencing was the Fed Gov't.