Pitiful CRD, pitiful
3/31/2021 7:45:12 PM (updated 3/31/2021 8:42:38 PM)
Every word in your whiny screed is completely guided by politics, not science, and you know it as well as i do, but will never acknowledge it. This virus has surprised you by being much much worse than you were confidently forecasting last March and April. you still don't have the guts to admit it has been and continues to be a crisis. You complain about the Democrats refusing to let the ''truth'' about the science be known. Really? Who the hell was runing the Covid response up until Jan 20? Who got up in front of the cameras every few days and either sugar-coated or lied about what was happening except when he wasn't pushing fake cures or recommending we all inject bleach? The sadest part is you certainly have the intellegence and education to analyse and interpret and make statements based on science if you were only able to get your head out of your Hero's posterior.
Unlike you, I don't know or claim to be a genius that has reems of knowledge about medical science, but I am able to look at numbers and calculate ratios and percentages and they support Dr's Fauci and Birx rather than you, your political Hero and the others in denial about what we have lived through in the last year.
BTW: Anybody who does not believe that your every thought is guided by your political bias should compare your on forum outrage comments about unarmed black anti-Trump protestors last summer with your lack of outrage with and even praise for white pro-Trump protestors on Jan 6. Are my posts colored by politics? Of course, but I think any protestor pro or anti-Trump, black or white, man or woman, Portland, OR or Washington, DC who is breaking and entering should be prosecuted to the maximum extent the law allows...you think Ms Bobbitt was a martyr.