As of August 13, 2021....
8/13/2021 5:57:57 PM
Ok wizard, Obama told 45000 lies. See?
Customs and Border Patrol, not FB released these figures - 200000 border encounters in July alone. Largest number in 21 years. Encounters with unaccompanied alien children increased 24% from June to July. Average number of unaccompanied children in CBP custody is 1363 per day. Title 42, a Trump policy, was recently extended by Biden because he had to. Sure sounds like the southwest boder is in tip-top shape.
Trump lockdown? The lockdowns were state mandated. Trump was against lockdowns. Regarding energy prices, who was it that immediately froze federal oil and gas leases, including ANWR? Who alienated Saudi Arabia who recently said it would not raise output? There sure is a supply problem, and Biden created it.
If your people are telling you this inflation is temporary, then go ahead and buy some more T bills. Those of us with wise consultants are hearing much differently. The middle class is about to get rocked.
And regarding the Taliban, I sometimes get the skinny from a patient of mine who is part of a security team for an Afghanistan ambassador. Travels back and forth. Trust me, according to this boot on the ground, Trump had the Taliban on its heals with his conditions set forth for the pull out. China and Russia are going gung ho into Afghanistan for its minerals, diamonds and ruby reservoirs. Building roads that the Taliban let them gladly build which the Taliban will use for military purposes. The Trump US military pull out was cloaked. His plan was to have US "presence" left as the US won't let China and Russia remain "unsupervised". Biden's plan, no one can actually figure out.
Did Trump write the checks for the small business PPP monies individually? Never knew.