"Here is a quote of what you posted. "You have not responded to any question I have asked, or information I have posted." (my emphasis added). So do you stand by this claim or were you lying? If it is the former then accept my challenge and I'll easily prove you lied. Be a man and stand by what you posted...or not. Either way I win."
LOLLLLLLLL.....yea I remember you answered a question that WIX asked in 2008 so you win.......You've won the Pink Panties award for catching WIX in a lie. You mind is so small that you spend all day trying to win a who is lying contest. I suspect you are taking the wrong horse pill dosage.
Speaking of lying...where did you get the .4% infections to mortality?
I thought conservatives are happier than the left. You haven't posted anything positive that shows you are a happy dude in months. I am concerned that you need to visit your doc for some pills other than the horse pills. Based on your negative posts...stress is getting to you.
Lighten up and smell the roses before it gets too cold in Cobb County.