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Name:   phil The author of this post is registered as a member - Email Member
Subject:   Wixiepoo / Brexit
Date:   10/26/2016 9:37:50 AM

Sometime it take a few months or years to realize you have made a big mistake.

And sometimes it takes time for things to stabilise after changing course, especially a radical change in direction -  sometimes months, sometimes years.  Brexit threw the region into turmoil, probably similar to what will happen if Trump is elected.  It is going to cause chaos as people try to figure out what a new direction is going to do.  I expect if it does happen we will get lots of posts from you daily in regards to how we are back in the ditch that democrats just pulled us out of, daily news media articles about how he needs to be impeached for his spray tan, Republicans joining Democrats crossing the isle to make sure that term limits never comes to a vote.

I expect the fed to suddenly raise interest rates to tank the economy that is currently unsustainable but then they can blame it on a republican and can stop all that pesky audit the fed talk

I expect Wall Street to to manupulate the markets to show short term loses and anybody with half a brain knows we are currently in a bubble - lets pop it with a republican so we can show that the republicans just want that car in the ditch.

I expect in 4 years we will probably still be going about our lives just as we did under Obama, the questions of better or worse being debated with name calling, stone throwing and you placing blame for Trumps disasters on Republicans, or Hillary's scandals on republicans, or well I think we call get the idea.


Now ultimatly I think Brexit while it may take time for things to stabalize, it will help return their sovereignty back where it belongs.  No other country or entity can tell them where their borders are, they are not tied to immigration policies that they feel are allowing them to lose their national identity.  Right or wrong they can make their own decisions, if they fail - someone else will come along and change course again, if they succeed then someone much like yourself well explain how much better they could have been with open borders, more refugee's, less guns while singing Kumbaya.

Islam now considered 'a threat' to national identity by almost half of French and Germans, according to new poll

Germans are being told, by the refugee's, to get out of their own country because they are mean, and complaining that they are not getting enough benifits!  How would you like it a syrian refugee moved in next door to you - didnt like what you were saying and told you that you need to get out of the country because your mean while beheading your daughter in the backyard because she offended his religion/culture because she did not wear a burka in his presence, and that you need to pay more taxes so he get more benifits?

A·mer·i·can dream
  1. the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative.
    "he could achieve the American dream only by hard work"

We have the same thing going on in this country - we have many illegal immigrants coming here for walfare, the American deams was about working hard and making something out of yourself.

The American dream has been perverted much like our political system. Now it means give me everything for nothing, I should not have to work, it will be given to me because I am lazy.  I should not have to learn your language, I should riot till you capitulate to my demands because of your mean words.  You should pay me money and benifits because you are mean and my country is corrupt/war ravaged.  You should do all these things in the name of being "fair" because you had fertile land and for some reason now I live in a desert.  You should pay your fair share so I can have nice things that I did not work for it but I deserve it!!!!




Other messages in this thread:View Entire Thread
Wixiepoo / Brexit - architect - 10/26/2016 8:26:57 AM
     Wixiepoo / Brexit - phil - 10/26/2016 9:37:50 AM
     Wixiepoo / Brexit - Talullahhound - 10/26/2016 5:45:14 PM
     Archi-brex-idiot - wix - 10/26/2016 6:15:54 PM
     Wixiepoo / Brexit - phil - 10/27/2016 5:55:10 PM

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