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Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Carli Fiorino
Date:   9/19/2015 10:16:47 AM (updated 9/19/2015 10:21:23 AM)

had a good night.  She did of course have to tell an untruth (perhaps without knowing it) to get the loudest applause. Never-the-less it was a good performance, especially her giving the finger to the Bloviator!  Of course, considering her business career prior to her decision to save America, there has to be some kind of hypocrisy hidden in her questioning the Donald's bankruptcies.

If she gets the nomination she will have to have a better answer to questions about her tenure at Hewlett-Packard and how it ended than I heard on a radio clip this morning.  She defended her actions and cried crocodile tears over how distressing it was to her personally to have to tell 30,000 people they were out of a job.  What will be her answer when she's asked how it felt when she made it 30,001?  If she is honest she will admit that the blow was somewhat softened by getting a check with 8 numbers before the decimal point along with the pink slip.


Name:   Talullahhound - Email Member
Subject:   Carli Fiorino
Date:   9/19/2015 11:01:13 AM

I like Carly Fiorina.  Her time at HP was over a decade ago.  We don't know the inner workings of their board room.  You know, it is always easy to be a Monday Morning quarterback about what was done.  It's easy to cry poor judgement.  Yes, she got a gold parachute.  They all do.  But I don't think it makes her feel it any less to have to let go a lot of people, any more than any other business owner that has to let people go.  It's hard. 

Name:   au67 - Email Member
Subject:   Carli Fiorino
Date:   9/19/2015 11:29:32 AM

Arch, as the current CEO of the USA (without prior experience), would you consider Obama's tenure a resounding success?

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Carli Fiorino
Date:   9/19/2015 11:47:09 AM (updated 9/19/2015 11:47:57 AM)

No. He has been a disappointment.  But not nearly as big a disappointment as W for whom l voted in 2004.

I also fault his "failures" to be largely caused by a congress that from the beginning charged by Mitch McConnell with making sure Obama was a failure. 

If you are completely unbiased and honest you will admit that if some of Obama's "accomplishments" (Iran Nuclear deal and the current economy for instance) had happened during W's days in exactly the same way, most of the Obama haters on this website would be offering high praise rather than condemnation.

Name:   lakngulf - Email Member
Subject:   What??
Date:   9/19/2015 1:02:53 PM

I don't care for Cheney, Rumsfeld and others, but I do like W.  If you think that group would have made a deal with Iran then you are more off base than whoever that was that thought Sharpton had no influence with Oblamer.

Name:   au67 - Email Member
Subject:   Carly Fiorino
Date:   9/19/2015 1:18:28 PM (updated 9/19/2015 1:42:52 PM)

What has Congress prevented Obama from accomplishing?  It seems to me he has gotten everthing he has wanted.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   What??
Date:   9/19/2015 1:47:15 PM (updated 9/19/2015 2:00:22 PM)

Please re-read my post as it was written without trying to read between the lines.  I DID NOT SAY they would have made the same deal (although it is not outside the realm of possibility considering it was durning W's last term that Condi Rice set up the prelim talks with guides and perameters that lead to the just completed formal negotiations).  What I DID SAY was IF, hypothetically, they had made the same deal most of the people who are now blasting it would be praising it because a man with an R after his name did it...I completely stand by that statement.  Can you say with honest conviction that you would still condemn it IF W's representative had secured the deal and W and the whole crowd was backing your soul and be honest! 

IMHO, this nation's most serious problem today is that our leaders, for the most part, are now more concerned in pushing their own party and its extreme agenda (right for the GOP and left for the Dems) than doing what needs to be done for the country.  My memory goes as far back to Truman, and never in that 65 years has the divide been so wide and so locked in stone.  The necessary art of compromise espoused by Eisenhower, Kennedy on up through Bush I is at best hanging by a fraying thread!

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Carly Fiorino
Date:   9/19/2015 2:09:51 PM (updated 9/19/2015 2:23:34 PM)

MOST OF IT!  He had some success in the first 2 years before the GOP took over the House.  You tell me what he has gotten since 2011 once the T party or Messers McConnell and Boehner have let it be known that this is not part of "our" (ie: GOP's base) agenda.

The sainted Ronald Reagan got most of his program passed with a Democratic House and Senate because the leadership of the congress did not demonize everything he said or wanted.  They may not have supported it fully, but at least they let it come to a vote, and Reagan himself was willing to compromise realizing that getting 70% of what you want is better than none.  With the current bunch it is ALL or nothing ALL the time on ALL the issues!

Name:   lakngulf - Email Member
Subject:   What??
Date:   9/19/2015 2:51:15 PM

I disagree.  Would not have received praise from me, just like the W (Obama wanna be) finacial bailouts did not receive praise from me.  You will find post on the forum from way back where I said that directly.

Name:   waterph - Email Member
Subject:   Carly Fiorino
Date:   9/19/2015 3:16:50 PM (updated 9/19/2015 3:18:19 PM)

Republicans control of House and Senate is insignificant except in the case of Judicial appointments. Democrats filabusters and Obama's veto threats give the Democrats total control of Congress. 67 votes to overcome a veto, not present. Dems control. McConnell does not have the backbone that Reid had to selectively use the Nuclear Option and force vetos from Obama.

Reid rules with an iron fist. Present group of Democrats will not break away on important votes. Too many democrat and Republican Politicians.

Name:   au67 - Email Member
Subject:   Carly Fiorino
Date:   9/19/2015 5:17:11 PM

The forum thanks you for that list of non-accomplishments.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   What??
Date:   9/19/2015 5:27:16 PM

Good for you.  I will have to go back and see if l can find some of those comments.  If in fact you actually protested W's policy and put it in writing you are indeed a rare breed on this forum!

Name:   lakngulf - Email Member
Subject:   What??
Date:   9/19/2015 6:52:16 PM

I remember posting much better use of the money.  Like, instead of giving to GM 10,000 or so to the car buyer.  GM gets money but poor middle class gets a car.  Like, for anyone who will get a job and get off welfare, match $ for $ whatever they will make on paycheck.  I had a whole list that I thought was pretty good.  An alternative to White Collar Welfare.  W and group almost as bad as O and group.

Name:   architect - Email Member
Subject:   Carli Fiorino
Date:   9/19/2015 9:07:51 PM (updated 9/19/2015 9:15:48 PM)

You know Hound, I think she is better than any of the midgets on stage beside her, but I cannot support anybody who states a falsehood to "prove" she is anti-abortion to the extreme evangelicals she needs on her side or who declares, in a blatant effort to garner support among the "let's bomb everybody" hawks,  she will not even talk to Putin if she becomes president.  It all may be a ruse on her part in order to get support, but false cowtowing to the narrow base is not a comforting thought for a possible Fiorino administration either.  Hound, do you want any of this bunch selecting 2 or 3 Supreme Court Justices?

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